I did not know I had any talent until last semester when I chose to take Drawing 1 as an elective. I was so surprised by what I was able to accomplish when I took the time to fix mistakes and put real effort into it.
What is your area of study at Reynolds?
I am currently taking general education and prerequisites for my Bachelors of Science in Nursing.
What is your favorite medium?
I really enjoy charcoal and collage.
How does your art express your feelings and attitudes?
Art is a great release for me. If I am stressed about another class my art work tends to be more controlled. If I am in a generally good mood my art is more expressive and care free.
What would you like to do with your art background in the future?
In the future I am mostly planning on drawing for fun while maybe selling a few pieces on the side.
What advice would you give other students interested in studying art at Reynolds?
My advice is to not be worried about not being good enough to take college level art. Drawing 1 starts at the basics of drawing and will help you very quickly improve.