Born in NJ, grew up in CA and then moved back to NJ before moving to Richmond in 1973. We moved about every 3 years growing up as Dad was always seeking a more challenging position.
What drew you to the field of Automotive Technology?
As a kid I really got into cars. I built a lot of plastic model cars and had fun painting and customizing them. In high school I was talking to a counselor and said I like cars. He said get a job at a gas station to see if you really like them. So I did and I do!
After earning your AAS, BS and MS you started teaching at New River Community College, then went on to a career at Mitsubishi and other auto related businesses. Then you came back to teaching. What brought you back?
When I was teaching at New River Community College, I really liked it but wanted to see more of the world than just Dublin, VA. So I joined corporate America and got to see the world. I always wanted to get back to teaching at a community college to show automotive students the opportunities that the automotive field can offer. When the automotive instructor job at Reynolds came open, I jumped at it.
You have been at Reynolds since 2008. How has it changed in the past ten years?
As a faculty member, you have to make an effort to reach out through committee work and participation in the many activities that Reynolds offers. It is easy to focus on teaching where you prepare for classes, teach and then go home. I have met many wonderful Reynolds people who have helped me connect with other campuses, schools and groups.
What is your favorite car and why?
My favorite was a car I had in high school, a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro. The movie Aloha Bobby and Rose had one and I remember the car doing a donut while the song Welcome Back My Friends from Emerson, Lake and Palmer was playing. “Come inside the shows about to start, guaranteed to blow your head apart”!
What advice do you give your students on succeeding in the automotive business?
Read/learn everything you can all the time. The industry changes almost every day and you have to keep up with the changes. There are lots of jobs in the automotive industry. Job stands for Just over broke. When you become passionate about something you turn a job into a career. There are lots of great careers in the automotive industry where you can see the world, meet a lot of great people and make a lot of money.
What do you like to do when you aren’t working at Reynolds or being a Director at the Goochland Chamber of Commerce?
I like to play golf and ride motorcycles. Sometimes I ride my motorcycle to the golf course. I am currently working on my project car, a 1953 Mercury Custom. I hope to have it running by the end of summer. Which year is still up in the air.
Everyone gets asked the lottery question. If you won the Mega Millions jackpot what would you do first?
Build a climate controlled 20 car garage and shop eBay to start filling it up. Then build another garage for motorcycles.