Thursday, November 3, 2022

Employee Profile
Beno Rubin, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs

Where did you grow up and what was it like?

I grew up in New York City and attended NYC public schools. Living there provided me the opportunity to experience a variety of cultures and people from many different backgrounds.  I enjoyed my time there and had many positive experiences.

What were you doing before coming to Reynolds?

I was the Pathway Dean of Manufacturing and Transportation at Tidewater Community College.

What attracted you to a career in education?

I had graduated from community college and was able to secure employment through my program. While I was employed I had the opportunity to mentor new employees and enjoyed the experience of sharing my knowledge with others.

What is the most challenging aspect of your work? The most rewarding?

The most challenging aspect of my work is the quickly changing priorities, but that is part of what keeps me engaged.

The most rewarding part of my work is knowing that what I do will have a direct, positive impact on our students.

What is your favorite quote or saying?

“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” – Albert Einstein

What do you like to do when not working?

Spending time with family, cooking, and travelling.

What is your favorite book, movie, or TV series, and why?

During the pandemic I found various videos on how to be a better cook.  I still enjoy watching the various YouTube cooking channels. 

If you won $100 million dollars in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

I would like to start a scholarship for students at the college with some of the funds.  As for the remainder, I will have to get back to you on that.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Keyirra Fuell
Reynolds Grad Spring 2022

Five children. Life problems. Covid twice. Still Keyirra made it to her finish line and received her Associates Degree in Opticianry. She credits the "wonderful team of professors in the opticianry program . . . especially Ms. Leah Exline," for supporting and motivating her all the way through.

Here's what Keyirra says about her experience: 

I'm a proud mother of five beautiful children. I enjoy helping others and meeting new people, that's why I wanted a rewarding career in some sort of nursing field or something like that. I started off in the dental assistant program then changed my major to Optician, for one because it offered a degree instead of a certificate and it just seemed like a better fit for me than dealing with teeth, and it's also kind of like nursing but not as rough. As an optician I get to help people see better versus teeth and sickly patients so it's like best of both worlds and a very rewarding experience at work and college. 

I'm very proud to have finished this program because I have started and stopped several times other times in my life and even this program I stopped a few semesters in-between because of life problems, but I am so glad that I got through it with the five kids and normal life problems, boyfriend drama, covid twice, and just feeling overwhelmed with it all together. 

I want to thank the wonderful team of professors in the optician program for motivational support and staying on me to finish especially Ms. Leah Exline. I appreciate them all and am thankful for the experience and kind people at Reynolds. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Khizer Hayat
Accounting Manager/Financial Operations

Where did you live while growing up and what was it like?

I grew up in Pakistan and enjoyed my childhood as much as one could. My father had a nice government job. I had friends to go out, servants available 24/7, big house to play, had pets including dogs, ducks, cows, cats, buffaloes, monkeys, chickens, talking parrots, rabbits, pigeons. It was like a mini zoo on one side of house. I miss playing in the rain for hours and making paper boats.

You speak six languages – Persian, Farsi, Dari, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi. How did you come to learn so many languages? How do you retain all those language now? 

Most of  these I learnt because of my duty stations. Others I speak at home. I have friends whom I talk in these languages.

You started your position with Reynolds on September 26. What were you doing before you came to the college? 

I was working as Staff Accountant in New York.

How did you get started in your career in finance? 

I started it by choice. I was motivated by one of my uncles in my family.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Sense of belonging to a professional organization and good people around me. When I wake up in morning I have feeling that I am going to spend next 8-9 hours with good people.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working? 

I have self-development goals. When I am not working I prepare for CIA exam and love to spend time with my family.

Do you have a favorite book, movie, or TV series? Why is it your favorite? 

Most of times I am studying my course books for self-development. I like watching Hindi movies and listening to Urdu, Hindu and Dari songs.

If you won $100 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

I will start my own business, sponsor education and skills programs for people of any age, pay for surgery of young girls who became victim of acid attacks in third world countries, start a housing program for homeless, buy the house I lived in my childhood. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

 Employee Profile:

Carlos Savory / Welding Instructor

(pictured center with his welding students)

Where did you grow up and what was it like? 

My hometown is Williamsburg, Virginia. It's a small town with great people and a wonderful place to grow up.  

What were you doing before coming to Reynolds? 

Before I came to Reynolds, I was working in the welding industry at a company called Custom Ornamental Iron where I was a fabricator/welder.  

What got you interested in welding, and in teaching for Reynolds? 

Originally it was a football teammate in high school that told me about welding and the tech program that was offered at my school. After the first day of welding I was hooked. 

I found out about the teaching position at Reynolds in 2020 during the pandemic. Welding instructor jobs are usually rare and hard to find so I took the opportunity and I have enjoyed teaching ever since.  

What is the most rewarding part of your work? The most challenging? 

I would say the most rewarding part is taking a student that is having a tough time welding in the lab and finding different ways to teach them that works for them. It is very rewarding to finally see the smile on their face once they have made an excellent weld. The most challenging are the work hours. During the day I teach welding at a local high school. At night I teach at Reynolds. Long hours, but very rewarding work.  

What is your favorite movie, TV series, or book? And, why? 

My favorite movie would have to be Jurassic Park. I have always loved dinosaurs as a kid and that has never changed. 

I can’t really say I have a favorite TV series. I am often too busy to sit and watch TV, but I do enjoy looking at random videos on YouTube. 

My favorite book is called “All Blood Runs Red” by Phil Keith. It’s a true story about a man name Eugene that escapes oppression in American during the 1900’s and becomes the first African American fighter pilot during World War 1. 

What are your hobbies, or interests outside of work? 

I enjoy going to the gym and spending time with my family.  

If you won $100 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money? 

I wouldn’t do anything exciting with it. I would save most of it, invest some of it into the stock market and buy investment properties, possibly start a construction company. I would mainly use it to ensure a good future for generations to come.  

Friday, September 30, 2022

Rhonda Crosby
Scholarship Manager

Where did you grow up and what was it like?

I was born in Hampton, VA, but lived most of my school years in Newport News and York County area. I was in the band and played softball so busy but simple. We had, and still have, a lot of family gatherings and events, so very family orientated.

What were you doing before coming to Reynolds?

I was unemployed from a layoff in February 2020 which I was fortunate to be home during the start of the pandemic to be home with my son for virtual school. Then I started a part time job when my son went to school at Henrico Recreation and Parks.

What got you interested in working with Scholarships and students?

The stability. To work for a college where I saw as a big need in a community. I wanted to be able to reach out to students and this was a start by helping them achieve their goals and dreams.

What is the most challenging part of your work? The most rewarding?

The most challenging part is not knowing every answer to every solution. The most rewarding part is Giving Away Money!!!

What is your favorite book, movie, or TV show? Why?

Sooo I am not a reader, but I do love all of the Rocky movies (up to Rocky V) and Beverly Hills Cop III, Big Brother and The First 48. Why? The acting for the movies and famous lines. Big Brother seeing the reality of different types of people living together and how they interact. Crime because it shows real time events of how people are caught and seeing the families’ emotions and heartbreak which reminds me to not take life for granted.

What is your favorite restaurant?

I really do not have one or go out that often to choose.

If you won $100 million dollars in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

THANK GOD!!! Pay off parents’ and my debts and buy them a new vehicle. Save for college for my son and grandkids. Buy a large piece of property to live peacefully.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Student Profile: David Tepper

If David Tepper was planning to be an astronaut, he would surely be headed to the moon. But this Reynolds 2022 grad is tracking a different trajectory: After graduation David was accepted at both UVA and W&M. UVA offered him a full ride, and he didn’t hesitate to get onboard. 

“I’m currently attending UVA as a 3rd year,” David wrote, “I just finished their summer language institute for German so knocked out my language requirement, it was four semesters worth of German language and material in a total of 8 weeks. I am a dual Biology and Neuroscience major, and will be continuing on to graduate school after this, the goal is to earn my PhD. And I’m currently in the works for a research position here at UVA with a genetics professor studying Stem Cells.”

David started at Reynolds in 2017, and four years later in 2022 he earned his Associates of Science with a Science Specialization, and a concentration in Biology, and his Associates of Math and Science Teacher Preparation, again with a concentration in Biology.

David extends special thanks to Dr. Bryan Rhodes, Dr. Peter Latartara, Dr. Groover, Professor Swanlund, and Professor Weaver, and of course Daniel from Math Central, for all their amazing expertise, mentorship, and during his time at Reynolds. "I wouldn’t be here without any of them," he says.

Here is David’s story in his own words. It might be longer than the usual profile, and you might be tempted to brush it aside, but this one is well worth the read. You can choose.

We all come from hundreds of different backgrounds, different cultures, places, demographics, ages, and mental states. A great friend I made at Reynolds was from Egypt, and was in college early. Another friend was from Ethiopia and following the “traditional” college timeline. Another was an AP student, graduated high school early, and only needed a year of Reynolds to complete her associates and move on. Another was in his late 20’s and was post military. 

I myself? I would be considered a “non-traditional” college student. Is that a bad thing? No! It means I didn’t go to college immediately after high school, so I’m a little older. And that’s going to fit the mold of many, many people! High School was an interesting time for me. I had heart surgery, my father passed away, I had to deal with moving from my childhood home, and a surgery my senior year that didn’t go as planned and left me in the ICU for a week. Needless to say, I needed a break! So I took two years off between high school and college. I needed to grow, mature, find my place, earn some money, help my family, and just take time for myself. And boy am I glad I did it! 

Seriously! If it wasn’t for taking that time, I honestly don’t know where I’d be. When I graduated high school I wanted a theatre degree, and wanted nothing more than to be on a stage. And although there is nothing wrong with that path, I’m much happier now than I was, and am in a better place academically! I worked retail, sales, early education, was a camp counselor, and worked in veterinary medicine. I got A LOT of experience, and it really helped me recognize who I was, and what I wanted. Plus earning a credit score of 800, and being debt free wasn’t bad either! 

And then I got accepted to both UVA and W&M, two schools my 2.3 GPA high school self would never have dreamed of going to, and have Reynolds, and it’s amazing professors, to thank for that! I am now on my way to earning a bachelors in Biology, and Biochemistry, and furthering my journey to my doctorate! “The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step,” has never wrung more true to me. 

I always doubted myself, and my abilities. And starting out at Reynolds, I kept second guessing if I was even the right person to be in STEM. I mean, I can’t do math! At least so I thought. When I started at Reynolds I had to take MTE 6-9 just to prepare myself for the pre-calculus requirement. I was so embarrassed to say that around my STEM friends who were already in Calculus 1. I had a panic attack and dropped out of the first pre-calculus class I took, after the first day too… But I then found the confidence to do it the following semester, thanks to my amazing academic advisor, and those friends I was so embarrassed to be open with. And you know what, I got an A+! The kid who failed high school Algebra, got an A+ in pre-calculus! What!? Then I moved onto Calculus… and failed… in my defense I got injured and missed A LOT of classes. But did I quit? No! I took it again the following semester and BOOM! A+ again, and even helped four of my classmates study and get A’s and B’s. Crazy right? I was now the friends I looked up to but for new friends, with the same insecurities I had. 

 So, why did it take me so long to graduate from community college? Four years is double the time it should take right? Well, yes. The “ideal” path is two years to earn your associates degree. But if there is one thing I’ve learned, life isn’t about being ideal, it’s about being adaptive and flexible. So, was it because I added a second degree? No. I added the second degree because I wanted to, and it only involved taking two extra courses to do so. The reason is during my time, I got injured, had medical issues, and had to work full time to support myself. All these things slowed me down, or put a complete halt on my journey. But I keep reminding myself of what a physics professor at Reynolds told me, “It’s not about passing the class, or earning the degree. It’s about learning something. It’s about growing.” 

 So did it take me a while to get from high school graduation to community college graduation? Yes. Will that mean I’m older than all my high school friends who are already working, or in their grad schools? Yes. Is that ok? Yes! Life is going to be different for every single person who walks the halls of Reynolds, and every other college around the world. Never feel insecure about who you are, where you are, because no one is a one to one. 

 Be confident. You can, and will, make it in whatever program you strive for, just plan, and be strategic. Be strong. There will be difficult classes, and hard times, but you can pull through and succeed. Every Nobel Prize winner, inventor, doctor, scientist, and more, have been where you are. What separates you and them is nothing more than the time spent studying, but this time you have the advantage. 

 I want you to have the same critical advice now that I gained from professors during my time at Reynolds:

“Too many people focus to much on passing, and to little on learning. If students would just focus on studying, and less on what they need to pass with the grade they want, they’d naturally get the grades they’re looking for.” 

 “Understand every word. Don’t just read. Don’t just take notes. Understand what is being said. Rewrite in your words, not the words already written.”

 “Everyone has a sucky first draft. The first draft isn’t meant to be perfect. It’s meant to get ideas on paper.”

“Just breathe. One bad grad isn’t the end of the world. Even surgeons have gotten F’s in the past. Just breathe.”

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Employee Profile: Benjamin Cowman
Director of Student Life

Where did you grow up, and what was it like?

I grew up in Carroll County, Maryland just about an hour outside of Baltimore. Growing up I enjoyed the outdoors/camping and spending time with family. 

Tell us about your background. What were you doing before coming to Reynolds?

Before coming to Reynolds, I worked at Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore. I oversaw our student and family orientation, peer mentors, and the first year experience. 

How did you get started working in the area of Student Life and Leadership?

My path into this field was a result of my own college experience and involvement. I served in student government as an undergraduate, and became passionate about helping others make a difference and develop their own leadership potential.

What do you like most about working with students? 

I most enjoy being able to see students’ growth, and see how the programs/activities we offer have an positive impact on their lives. 

What is the most challenging aspect of your work?

The most challenging aspect of the work is finding new ways to engage students who already juggling other priorities outside of class. 

What is your favorite book, movie, or TV series?

I am a Game of Thrones fan, and so I’m excited to the newly released House of Dragons series.

What is your favorite food or restaurant in Richmond?

My favorite RVA restaurant is the Can Can in Carytown. 

If you won $100 million in the lottery what would you do with your money?

I would pay off debt, travel the world, and give back to organizations trying to solve the world’s toughest problems (i.e., poverty, climate change). 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Push was Worth It - Student Profile

 The push was worth it.

When I asked the spring 2022 graduates to tell me about their time at Reynolds, Tia Smith responded immediately and sent photos. 

I’d never met Tia, but I recognized her from the Commencement slideshow. She was the graduate with the widest, brightest smile. She was beaming. After reading her story I understood why she was smiling and why the Subject line in her email was: The push was worth it.

Virtually every student I profile is confronted with issues - some issues linger from their past, other issues jockey to control their present – all entangle their hearts and minds and have the potential to dim their vision of their future. I am always struck by the tenacity of their journeys. Tia was no exception. Here is her story in her own words.

My name is Tyquila "Tia" Smith and my journey started back in 2009. I overcame so much from having to go to Philadelphia when my mother needed an emergency surgery, to giving birth to our first son in 2012 and having to take off to raise him, to finally making the decision to keep going even when, at the beginning of the semester two aunts passed from cancer three weeks apart. I was being my father's caretaker. Then I found out I was pregnant again after 10 years since our first son in 2012. I had to deal with changes with our baby girl having struggles, to even being on bed rest. 

That’s why the message is meaningful: "This push was worth it".

My professor Dr. James Wolfe was a big help and motivated me to keep pushing when I wanted to give up. He offered to extend my assignments to help me finish while I went in delivery on April 16, 2022 just before my graduation. For three days pre labor to active labor to dealing with anxiety during labor and so much more. I feel I can write a book on child birth, lol. I’m now a mother of five beautiful children. And, I FINALLY FINISHED WHAT I STARTED BACK IN 2009.

Reynolds professors were so understanding throughout my journey and gave me a family friendly atmosphere. They’re always motivating their students. It's not how you started but how you endure to finish in the end.

I want to thank every professor at Reynolds for always being there for their students and going the extra mile to help. My experiences at Reynolds Community College I shall never forget. Reynolds definitely has a community atmosphere for all to attend.

I will continue my studies in Business Administration at a four year college.  I’m looking to attend in spring of 2023 until my newborn gets up in age. Going all the way!

On to the next adventure to bachelor adventure to Master the journey. -Tia Smith

Thank you, Tia, for sharing your story. The very best of wishes for you as you continue your journey.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Student Profile

Marcus Taylor Before and After Reynolds

I met Marcus Taylor in late October 2019 when he was just beginning his educational journey at Reynolds. During our interview he told me: “I have thrived in the Reynolds atmosphere of small classes. I am truly grateful to have been given the space to explore my talents and interests. I tell others, if you want to go to college, and you want to work, there are opportunities right here at your fingertips. If you can afford those expensive gym shoes, you can afford to go to college.” (Read the original blog story here.)

Marcus was, and is, an impressively hard working individual. He’s a veteran who’s been to war, he’s had several careers, he’s worked long hours, and he’s struggled to make a living. As an adult student he was well acquainted with tough assignments. “You can’t whine and complain that the work is too hard,” he told me back in 2019, “you’ve just got to dig in and do it, you’ve got to do the hard stuff . . . I chuckle when they [young students] huff and puff about getting a tough homework assignment. Paying bills, and fighting for your life, now THOSE are tough assignments.”

Three years and a global pandemic later, Marcus graduated from Reynolds in the spring of 2022 with his degree in Construction Management. I had the great pleasure of interviewing Marcus again shortly after commencement. We talked about graduation, his upcoming marriage, his Reynolds experience, and what was coming next in his life. 

Marcus graduated on a Sunday. The very next day, Monday, he started getting job offers from architectural firms. “I don’t know how they knew I had graduated, don’t know who informed them, but it’s good. All good,” he told me, shaking his head as if he was still didn’t believe his good fortune. “My number one offer is from a home builder. I’ve also got some independent offers to do layouts and blueprints.” Given Marcus’s entrepreneurial spirit, an independent offer would be the “kind of suit that fits him just right,” as he would say.

As if a degree wasn’t enough, Marcus has his own line of personal care products, 9th Wonder Premium Products – soaps, body butter, beard products, lotions, shampoos and body wash for men and women - he developed in 2014 when he was a barber. “I didn’t really take it all seriously until some of my clients told me I should take it to the next level.” With Marcus’s slow and steady persistence his line has taken off. Since our last interview, he has established a partnership with a major gym chain and sales are rolling. In addition to clients in Virginia, his products are selling in Texas, Florida, and Georgia.

And if he’s not busy enough, Marcus just got married to the girlfriend who has been his supporter, encourager, and his challenger every step of the way. In 2019 she was the one who saw his engineering talent and urged him to come to Reynolds. She is the one who then urged him to speak up in our interview about his life and his experience at Reynolds. Both she and Marcus’s daughter are Reynolds graduates. Marcus’s girlfriend, now wife, has three degrees, his daughter has two. They challenged him to get his first degree, now they are challenging him to keep up with them and to continue his education.

The future?

“My goal,” Marcus says, “is to establish more residual income to buy back my time. We don’t have a lot of time on this earth. I’ve never been one to waste what I’ve been given. I want to use my time to build my dreams. I’ve got a lot of moving parts in my life. That’s the way I want to keep it.” Several years and a pandemic haven’t changed this side of Marcus one bit.

What one thing did Reynolds do to keep you motivated and on track to finishing your degree?

“Two words: Mr. Bass,” Marcus pauses, “Mr. Bass,” he repeats. “That guy is one of the most helpful, understanding, positive, funny, professional, hardworking people I’ve ever known. He encouraged me. He reached out during covid when things got messy. Classes got cancelled, but he kept reaching out to me, letting me know what was happening. He made our assignments flexible so we could get them done when things weren’t going well. He told me what he saw in me, and he inspired me to find that talent in myself. He was the deciding factor. Without him, I probably would have let it all go.”

“I remember one time I left my wallet in his class at Parham. He came all the way over to Church Hill on 25th Street to bring it to me while I was working on a construction job. He did not have to do that. Now, THAT’S a great guy.”

Advice to other students?

“Focus. Focus. And, focus. If you focus, almost anything is possible. If you hit a roadblock, it’s not the end of the road. You’ve gotta focus on your destination instead whatever is trying to stop you. Focus.”

Three years and a global pandemic? Just small roadblocks. It's all perspective. With Marcus’s focus, as he says, “it’s only blessing, after blessing, after blessing.”

Monday, June 6, 2022

Reynolds Joins ATD

Reynolds Community College Joins
Achieving the Dream (ATD) Network

Reynolds Will Advance Educational Equity and Accelerate Community Growth in Partnership with Achieving the Dream

Reynolds is joining the 2022 cohort of Achieving the Dream (ATD) Network to holistically advance equity, access, and student success. By joining the ATD Network, Reynolds is committing to a tailored engagement in whole-college transformation and gaining access to a nationwide network of peer support and expertise.

Reynolds is part of a cohort of seven colleges joining the ATD Network during a time of continued enrollment challenges for two-year institutions across the country, when equitable access and community engagement are more important than ever for the students that colleges serve.

"Social and economic mobility for our entire region is core to our mission. This is important work we are embarking on with Achieving the Dream. Transformational work with laser focus on increasing both equitable access to and completion of credentials and degrees that lead to great jobs that pay family sustaining wages," says Dr. Paula P. Pando, president of Reynolds.

“Community colleges, and particularly colleges in the ATD Network, recognize that they serve as engines of opportunity not just for their students, but for the entire communities that they serve,” said Dr. Karen A. Stout, president and CEO of Achieving the Dream. “ATD’s work is centered on equity, and I am excited to see how the new Network colleges in the 2022 cohort start generating transformational change that lifts up their communities and advances the field.”

Teams from each of the seven colleges will convene in Charlotte, NC, from June 14 to 16 for a Kickoff Institute that will set the stage for their partnership with ATD. Representatives from Reynolds will meet with ATD coaches and begin to develop customized action plans based on the college’s strategic direction, It’s a New Day, which was launched in September 2021.  

Reynolds, alongside the 2022 cohort of new ATD Network colleges, is committed to tackling equity challenges, building a culture of data-informed decision-making, and maximizing the student experience through high-quality teaching and learning. 

Reynolds is joining the ATD Network alongside six other institutions:

Brookdale Community College (NJ)

Central Carolina Technical College (SC) 

Community College of Aurora (CO) 

HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College (PA) 

Meridian Community College (MS) 

Northwood Technical College (WI) 

Achieving the Dream (ATD) leads a growing network of more than 300 community colleges committed to helping their students, particularly low-income students and students of color, achieve their goals for academic success, personal growth, and economic opportunity. ATD is making progress in closing equity gaps and accelerating student success through a unique change process that builds each college’s institutional capacities in seven essential areas. ATD, along with nearly 75 experienced coaches and advisors, works closely with Network colleges in 45 states and the District of Columbia to reach more than 4 million community college students. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

June is Men's Health Month

In honor of Men's Health Month in June Professor of Health Science and Master Advisor Stephen Sowulewski sent this short piece about his father's health ordeal to be published on Reynolds blog. 

If you, or a man in your life, is due for a check up, Men's Health Month is a great time to make that appointment!

From Stephen:

My research into men’s health issues always has me feeling hopeful around June of each year.  Although more work needs to be done on the forefront of men’s health, we are making strides at the Men’s Health Network (MHN) in Washington, DC. I was thrilled to be assigned to MHN for my doctoral externship many years ago and had the opportunity to knock on doors within the halls of congress to help lobby efforts toward opening an official office on men’s health.  

Rewind to the summer of 2003 and my father’s diagnosis of prostate cancer.  He has always been an exceptional listener and never quick to jump in on a conversation but you really know that the “wheels are turning” and he is indeed taking it all in.  No matter the diagnosis, my dad went on a quest to learn as much as he could about his diagnosis.  As tough as my dad is, I could see the consternation. Seeing him with a catheter bag walking around the house and being vulnerable in that post-surgical timeframe really brought perspective to me with regard to societal standards that men need to ‘suck it up’ and move on. Being a devout catholic and having trust in the Lord as well as his supporters (my mom and I) helped propel my dad through this ordeal.   

A recent episode of my favorite show, Blue Bloods has Tom Selleck (NYPD Police Commissioner Frank Reagan) bartering with his father’s physician about not letting his father know of the prostate diagnosis. Well, often our best intentions end up coming apart at the seams. In this case, the ‘Reagan patriarch’ finds out anyway. This episode hits close to home because my friend’s brother did not want his family knowing about the diagnosis and eventual surgery.  Not everyone will accept support for things that happen in their life but this episode gave me hope that a person diagnosed with cancer will at least let one person know so they can have that support structure.   

The vast majority of men will die with prostate cancer as opposed to dying from it.  The end result was a good one for my father — almost 20 years later and he continues to receive a clean bill of health from the urologist.   

Lastly, my dad considers himself a marked man.  He had his gallbladder removed a few years prior to his prostate removal and somehow, someway, he bears a scar in the shape of a cross at those exact surgical sites.   

I call this his battle scars because he continues to be a wellness warrior!

Stephen Sowulewski 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Inaugural Spring Fling

Inaugural Spring Fling an Eggstra Special Event

View all the photos and Reynolds Flickr page

“This was an amazing event,” Jackie Manley, one of the event’s Planning Committee said, “it was great seeing all the Reynolds family working together bringing joy, laughter, and smiles to those future Reynolds Students. We have gotten a lot of emails from staff, faculty, and students saying how wonderful the day was, but without the hands of everyone involved, we could not have made it possible. Special thanks to everyone. As Mazhar said to me in one of his emails: We Are A Team!”

The favorite attractions were the face painting, the three egg hunts – two for children, and one for the adults – and the special appearance of Flying Squirrels, Nutzy and Nutasha. 

Lena, the student who won the IPad Air from the raffle, said, “I am amazed at how well everything was put together, and how Reynolds could afford to have all this stuff for free. In difficult times like this it’s hard to bring your children to something like this and have to pay for each child to get their face painted. My grandbabies loved the egg hunts, the face painting, and loved dancing and it was all free.”

Special thank yous go to:  Mazhar  Anik,  Margaret Hill, Martha Harper, Maria Clarke; Kim Cain; Melody Hockaday; Shanna Black, Brieanna Dickerson, Kanika Morris, team of student volunteers, Tyree Flowers, Dr. Jeffery Allen, Business Office, Library, Registrar Office, Marketing, Advising Services, Financial Aid, Admissions, ODU online, Anime Club,  Scholarship/Foundation Office, Housekeeping/Custodial Team, the Reynolds Police and SGT Talley-Bryant. 

Extra special Shout Out’s to: Jackie Manley, Ariel Cole, and Jessica Anderson – The Planning Committee.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Employee Profile

Jake Harrison
Information Technology Specialist III 

Where did you grow up and what was it like?

I grew up in Hanover county and Sebastian, Florida. I stayed in both a developed community and later in a more rural part in Hanover. It seemed like a quiet and safe place as a kid. I moved with family to Sebastian to finish high school. It was very beautiful and I enjoyed fishing with my grandfather. Unfortunately it didn’t provide much opportunity for the career I was interested in.

What were you doing before coming to Reynolds?

I worked with a federal contractor in the FAA realm while in Florida.

What attracted you to working for the college?

I like project based work in IT and my previous experiences working in an educational environment were great.  

Tell us about your position and your work at the college?

I’m an Information Technology Specialist III and lead the systems engineering team in the Department of Technology.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? The most challenging?

I enjoy enabling other faculty and staff that work towards the goals of the college.  In return, the college is positively impacting the members of our community. I also enjoy working with our support team at the VCCS. Dr. Amar, Mary Jane Bolling, and Alicia Marques are great at what they do and I’m lucky to work with them.

The most challenging part would have to be the workload!  It’s just been myself for quite a while, but luckily that is changing this week.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

I look forward to going home and spending time with my family every day. I inherited my father’s motorcycle and learned how to work on bikes just enough to get it running. I have a home lab environment for studying and enjoy electronics.  A recent project I did was assemble a handheld device that looks and functions like a Gameboy, but it can also be used for network assessments.

What are your favorite books, movies, or TV series, and why?

I’ll occasionally watch a TV show like Mythic Quest for the noise, but most of the time end up watching Blippi with my daughter. I’m currently reading “System Center Configuration Manager Reporting Unleashed” on my tablet.  

If you won $100 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

I’d like to buy a house with a yard, pay off debt, and start a nonprofit refurbishing computers or bringing esports to schools.


How does your garden grow?

Greenleaf, a local medical cannabis producer, donated eight hydroponic grow tables to Reynolds horticulture program at The Kitchens. Crops are beginning to come up, and so are questions about what a grow table is, and what it does.

Hydroponic flood tables, also referred to as grow trays or plant trays, are a means for holding plants in a hydroponic, self-watering system. They generally work in tandem with a stand or rolling bench, with the hydroponic reservoir underneath.

Most tables feature a single submersible pump placed in the reservoir and operated on a timer to periodically flood the plants. After the flood cycle is complete, the pump shuts off and the nutrient solution flows back into the reservoir through the pump by way of gravity.

It's springtime and David Seward, Karin Stretchko, and all of the horticulture program students are seriously up to their knees in plants. They were gracious enough to take time to answer a few questions on a rainy afternoon. 

What are you growing in the tables at The Kitchens?  

Right now at The Kitchens, lettuces and kale. There are more products being produced at the Goochland Campus that have been growing longer. In Goochland assorted greens, vegetables, cucumbers, parsley, and a couple of other herbs are coming up.

Who will be using what is grown at The Kitchens? 

The material at the Kitchens will go to the Culinary program. In Goochland, vegetables and plants go to students, and the Goochland Cares Food bank.  We had a meeting with Kristen Holt, and will soon begin sharing harvests with Reynolds Food Pantries for our students.

Is the grow time different than in the ground?  

I’d say the grow time is shorter in the hydroponics set up since it doesn’t slow up with weather conditions.

How are the tables regulated? What happens if the power goes off?  

The floating system we are using at The Kitchens would be fine for a while with no power. The only things needing electricity would be the heaters/fans in the greenhouse itself, and the air stones used to provide oxygen to the water solution they are floating in.

Will you be expanding the program?  

We may add a couple of tables at The Kitchens, and in Goochland. In general we do plan to expand our Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) offerings.  We are also working on a ground bed at The Kitchens, which means we are creating a raised bed to be in the greenhouse, where we can grow other crops.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Employee Profile

Ashley King
G3 Advising Coordinator / Advising & Counseling Services

Where did you grow up and what was it like? 

I grew up in Glen Allen, Virginia where I had an amazing childhood. I loved doing activities so I was in extracurricular activities such as: Little league cheerleading, little league basketball, Track and field, and the Step Team. In the classroom, most of my teachers would say I was a “social butterfly”. 

What brought you to Reynolds?

What brought me to Reynolds is my love for people and education. Reynolds being a Community College allows me to meet people from all walks of life and I love hearing and learning about other ethnicities and cultures. More importantly, I love being able to help students reach their educational goals. I can’t say that growing up at Reynolds wasn’t part of what brought me to Reynolds. My mother is Jackie Manley. She has worked here at Reynolds since I was in Elementary School. Reynolds has always been family to me! 

What were you doing before coming to Reynolds?

Before Reynolds I was at Norfolk State University, pursing a major in Sociology and minoring in Criminal Justice. At this time, I worked for Saxon Shoes, where I’d been working the past eight years. Fortunately, Reynolds gave me an opportunity at a “real” fulltime job shortly after I graduated college.

Tell us about your work at the college. What is the most rewarding part of your job? The most challenging?

The most rewarding part of my job here at Reynolds is being able to interact with and learn from people from all over. The most challenging part about my job is hearing some of the difficulties our students face or have faced in their personal lives.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

I am a foodie! When I am not working, I am either at home in the kitchen cooking or out eating with my family. I love summer time, so you can always catch me at the pool or beach with husband and bonus son, or chilling with my friends at a concert or lounge. When I am not out and about I am home laying around watching shows and sports with my husband. 

What is your favorite book, movie, or TV series?

My favorite TV Series is Sistahs and favorite movies are Gladiator and The Negotiator. I love to read, but don’t have a favorite book.

If you won $100 million in the lottery what would you do with the money?

If I won $100 million in the lottery, I would reinvest my money into other businesses, start my own businesses and travel the world.

Monday, March 14, 2022


Reynolds attends Achieving The Dream’s 18th annual convening, DREAM 2022

Contributed by Kelly Waterbury / Enrollment Management and Student Success Coordinator, Advising Services

Achieving the Dream is a network of more than 300 colleges across 45 states that are dedicated to providing better services to students and accelerating student success. This network of community colleges work together to be the leaders of equitable change.

The week of February 14th, leaders, scholars and practitioners united for four days of Achieving The Dream’s (ATD’s) plenary sessions, DREAM 2022. Reynolds faculty and staff who attended are listed below. 

DREAM 2022 was a virtual conference that provided powerful and key insights about evidence-based reform strategies to sustain transformational change in higher education. The lessons and messages shared by the ADT presenters were focused on equity and continual change as the driving force for achieving educational, economic and social benefits of higher education for our nation’s students.

DREAM 2022 centered on five key themes representing challenges and opportunities for meaningful change in our colleges and communities.

Building stronger pathways to and through postsecondary education

Adopting a holistic, equity-focused approach to community vitality

Eliminating systemic barriers to student success

Fostering a sense of belonging through teaching and learning excellence

Leveraging data and analytics for institutional and community well-being

Colleges in the ATD Network benefit from the collective learning of institutions and partners and from ATD’s 15 years of experience, anticipating future needs and issues in the face of continual change. Network institutions have the unique opportunity to learn from (and with) their peers through exclusive access to network events, summits, and convenings. 

Colleges leaders confirm that participation in the ATD Network makes a real impact in strengthening campus culture and increasing student outcomes.

Reynolds attendees: Jeffrey Allen, Nancy Bailey, Bern Battle, Heather Blicher, Chequana Boisseau, Melissa Brooks, Kris Dahm, Stacie Davis, Lori Dwyer, Lofton Hooker, Marlon Johnson, Karen Layou, Bess Littlefield, Teresa Jordan, Cara Luyster, Tim Merrill, Paula Pando, Ernesto Quintero, Jason Sampson, Terricita Sass, Robin Shepherd, Curt Smith, Bruce Sofinski, Kelly Waterbury, Clifton Webb, Herman West

Federal Work Study Program

FWS: Successes Prove its Value

Programs are just programs until names, faces, and successes prove their value.  

The Federal Work Study program (FWS) is a great example. The program was started in 1964 during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson. Now, just shy of its 50th Anniversary, the program has been around so long it’s like electricity – you wouldn’t really notice it unless it got cut off. 

But at a time when enrollment and student retention are the most important goals Reynolds confronts, programs like FWS and the lives its impacted, should get a closer look. And what better time than National Student Employee Appreciation Week, April 11 to 15, to pay tribute to the FWS program through the lives of four Reynolds staff members.

Meredith Kane, Maria Clarke, Rachel Hoke, and Kanika Morris embody the original spirit and intention of FWS – to stimulate and promote part time employment for students with financial need in higher education. 

To say these four women are advocates of the program is not quite strong enough. Their lives have radically changed course as a result of their participation, and they all express great gratitude for the opportunity.

Meredith Kane 

Meredith came to Reynolds in 2019 as a part-time Financial Aid Specialist. Just as the Covid pandemic was in full swing in July 2020 she was hired full time as a Financial Aid Technician and was also given the role of FWS Coordinator. Before coming to Reynolds Meredith was working in retail merchandising management for two large department stores.

Meredith’s smile lights up when she talks about FWS and the students. Her connection to the program is personal. Before taking her job here at the college she knew first hand about the federal work study program. When she was in college at Virginia Tech she was a student worker. She worked in the Virginia Tech library sorting government documents which helped pay for her housing until she graduated.

“Many of the students in the program have limited or no prior work experience,” Meredith said. “These positions are opportunities for students to learn new skills including critical thinking, customer service, organization, time management and communication. When students graduate these skills can be used to build their resumes. Employers are impressed to see students who have job experience and who have worked while attending school, making FWS students more competitive and attractive to employers.”

And the benefit for Reynolds? “FWS students add value to the department they work in,” Meredith continues. “They are able to give feedback to supervisors and staff though student’s “eyes” – a perspective that might have previously been overlooked. Having a FWS student in your department is a great reminder that we are not just here for students to complete classwork, but we are here to also establish a foundation with real world skills for them to be successful beyond the classroom."

"Perhaps most important, work study students are more likely to complete their academic programs and have a greater sense of belonging in the college community. They stay on campus longer during the day. They are more dedicated and invested because they have the chance to develop deeper relationships with faculty and staff who continually check in with them to find out how they're doing.”

Maria Clarke

Maria's first comment is: “I am so honored to have been given the opportunity to work as a work study student.” The experience gave her career a 180 degree turn and changed her future. She has a degree in accounting, but life didn’t take her down that path.

When Maria came to Reynolds as a student she immediately went into the Work Study program in the Financial Aid Department. There she stayed in that department for the next 15 years. “At the time I started I had a single focus. I was going to be an accountant and work with numbers. But I like helping people. The work study changed me. Six months after working as a work study I was offered a part-time position as a Financial Aid Technician. Soon after I was offered a full-time position as a Financial Aid Advisor. Then, in 2014 I was promoted to Financial Aid Coordinator. All of this was possible because I had the work study opportunity.”

“We are always happy to have a work study student in the office. We use them to test the FAFSA. They see things from their perspective, and that really helps us.” 

No doubt, Maria, like Meredith, is just about the best mentor and guide a student could ask for. Both have been down the FWS road. Both are caring and compassionate. Both know how much students need that extra help.

Rachel Hoke

Rachel (on left in picture) will tell you she didn’t get into Reynolds FWS until her last semester, and “that was a big mistake.” She wished she had gotten into the program from the beginning. “I was working in retail, and wasn’t building any career skills. My Work Study job started in the Registrar’s Office. I really love Ms. Angela [Ross] she is great to work with. After graduation she kept me on, and gave me a part-time position. She is a great supporter of the Work Study program, and cares about student success. Being part of the program changed my mindset. I got much more serious and focused on my school work. Here I was on campus, and the staff was always checking up on me. I wanted to do well.”

Rachel received her associate’s degree in Social Sciences, and is now working on her bachelor’s degree at Old Dominion University. She continues to work part-time in Reynolds Registrar’s Office. 

Kanika Morris

“My experience in the work study program has been outstanding,” Kanika is quick to say. 

Before coming to Reynolds Kanika (on the right in picture) was a tractor-trailer driver, and as the job demanded, she had to be away from home too often.  She came to Reynolds out of curiosity. Her young son was being taught sign language, she was fascinated and wanted to learn it herself. As a student she ran into other students who were getting associate’s degrees and was certain she could do that too. 

As Kanika began her studies in Social Sciences she went into the Work Study program. She too started in the Financial Aid Office, then moved to Single Stop which was more closely aligned with her area of study. From there she went to the Registrar’s Office – she too loves Ms. Ross – and started working part-time. Kanika will graduate this spring, and will continue her studies at Old Dominion along with Rachel. Her young son? He also came to Reynolds, also participated in the Work Study program, and graduated from Reynolds last year, one year before his mom. 

“The work study program has helped me tremendously,” Kanika holds up her hands and gives a big smile. “It gave me a chance to stay home, and forced me to stay on top of my classes, to be dedicated and serious about my school work, and to be a mommy at the same time. The staff were all so encouraging, they made sure I would succeed. And here I am.” 

The Future

In 2021 Reynolds Work Study program had about thirty students participating. In 2022 the number dropped to 25. 

Student workers can be used anywhere on campus, but go mainly into Enrollment Services – Advising, Admissions, Registration. They have also been placed in the Writing Studio, Math Central, and most of the other academic departments. 

Most important to note here is that presently the program can accommodate about sixty students each semester. That means about half of this important student support opportunity is going untapped. Since budgeting for the program is based on need, if sixty students were hired into the program it could be expanded even further. 

Like electricity, let's appreciate this old 1960s program while it's still providing light.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Employee Profile

Meet Yvette Brooks
Coaching and Recruitment Support Technician 

Where did you grow up, and what was it like? 

I grew up here in Richmond as an only child.  My mother who also work at Reynolds (Ms. Theresa Brooks) was a great mother and is still my role model to this day. 

What brought you to Reynolds - aside from your mother?  

I love what Reynolds stands for and what we do here. It is very satisfying to see the students we help move on to bigger and better things.

How long have you been with the college? What were you doing before you came to Reynolds? 

I started at Reynolds after high school. I received my Business Administration degree while working at Reynolds I have worked various positions. I started as a work-study student and moved to part-time and then on to my current job in Admissions and Recruitment.

Coaching and Recruitment is a busy area these days. Tell us about your work in the department. 

I am the Admission and Recruitment Support Specialist. I can say I do a little bit of everything. From answering phones to helping student with applications, and more. 

What do you like to do outside of work? 

I currently have little free time outside of work as I am working on my Forensic Accounting Degree, but whenever I can I enjoy reading and traveling.

What is your favorite book, movie, or TV series, and why? 

I don’t know that I have a favorite book, but I really enjoy mysteries. I enjoy trying to figure out the who, what, and why.

If you won $100 million in the lottery what would you do with the money? 

If I won the lottery I would complete my goal to visit all 50 states. So far I have marked off 14 states.


Reynolds PTK at work in the community: Finally in Person!

Since 2020, during covid times, PTK's community projects have all been virtual. Finally, on February 12th 2022, students were able to do their first in person - all outside - service project.

The long, cold day was spent at James River Park removing invasive plants from the trail around the Pumphouse Park area of the James River. 

Kim Hasley and Cara Luyster co-advise PTK, and shared these details about what PTK has been up to.

How did PTK get involved with the Park? How many students participated? And, how was the day?  

There were five of us all together.  We worked with James River Park services to remove invasive plant species from the trail. We ended up picking up a lot of trash too, even though that was not our main job. 

We used the “Hands On RVA” site to get in touch with the James River Parks.  They provided the equipment we needed to cut down the invasive plants choking out the trees. We were out there for several hours and were all tired when we were done.

HandsOn Greater Richmond, is a way to connect with the community. It’s easy. Just create a volunteer account and you can manage your own signups as part of this team. 

What virtual community projects have you been doing since 2020? 

Before 2020, we would do one service project a month—things like volunteering with BARK, Richmond Animal League, going to see kids in the hospital for a reverse Trick or Treat, and doing activities with residents at nursing homes. Approximately, 280 students have joined PTK every year since 2019. 

With covid we couldn’t get out into the community. We wanted to continue our project so, like everyone else, we learned how to be of service virtually.  Here are a few of the virtual projects we’ve been working on since 2020.

BeMyEyes. This is an app used to help the visually impaired. It is a remote service done through a secure portal. Students could sign up for the app, and when someone needed their help interpreting visual information they would get a notification.

Donate! All PTK members were encouraged to donate to a local charity. From clothes, canned food, and money, all are encouraged to lend a helping hand during these hard times!

Transcribing historical documents. This project challenged students to jump back into community service by transcribing historical documents! Not only is this a fun and easy way to earn a credit towards the 5-STAR ENHANCEMENT PLAN, but it also can be done from the comfort of home! Students could explore, choose their favorite topic, and start transcribing! 

Good Deeds Day. Students were directed to this website where they could choose a virtual service opportunity.

While there seemed to be no end to the service opportunities that sprang up from the turmoil of covid, the James River Park project was literally, and figuratively, a breath of fresh air. It was great to get back out in the community in person, besides it’s hard to beat the satisfaction of a day of productive hard work.