I become interested in culinary arts because of it cultural attachments, in my family food has been the way to bring us together. I also feel like culinary arts is a way of pleasing people and an expression of love. I strive to spread love and bring happiness everywhere I go.
Where are you in your culinary studies?
Right now, I am getting my degree in pastry arts this summer. The following summer I’ll be graduating with the culinary degree.
What are you working on now?
Perfecting my bread baking skills and capstone, which is my final class before I can get my degree.
What is your favorite task as a culinary student?
There is always something new to try while cooking. Even if it’s an old technic It is always something to explore.
What is your favorite ingredient?
I don’t have a specific ingredient, I enjoy different flavor combinations.
Do you have a “signature dish”?
No really, I believe I haven’t found my niche.
What would you most like to do in culinary arts when you graduate?
I plan to build my repertoire and portfolio, learn to run a small business, travel to learn how different cuisines and a new cultural, then ultimately own my own restaurant.
What is your favorite restaurant in Richmond?
Southbound is my favorite restaurant.
What would you tell other potential students interested in studying culinary arts at Reynolds?
Don’t let your fears and doubts hinder you from achieving your goals.