More than 85 attendees from the College and community participated in an engaging discussion with author Ariel Gluchlick regarding his book “Dying for Heaven” – about why sometimes the best qualities of religion are also the most dangerous. It explores suicide bombings, terrorist acts and counterterrorism; and discusses how religious feelings and goals lead to self-destructive behavior.
The free community event was sponsored by JSRCC’s Multicultural Enrichment Council (MEC) for the purpose of encouraging cultural diversity throughout the Reynolds campuses and communities.

The MEC also presented the movie “Arranged,” about two women – one an Orthodox Jew and the other a Muslim of Syrian origin – both having their marriages arranged through their respective religious and traditional customs. The film was followed by a discussion led by Dr. Ghazala Hashmi, a JSRCC faculty member, who discussed how her happy marriage of more than 20 years was arranged.