The luncheon was the perfect setting for donors and student recipients to meet each other, many for the first time. Smiles and tears abounded as grateful scholarship students relayed the positive impact the scholarships have had on their lives and how they are now able to pursue their dreams.
For the last academic year, the J. Sargeant Reynolds Educational Foundation awarded scholarships totaling more than $434,000, opening the doors of opportunity for 387 students.
Students addressing the gathering included Joshua McVeigh, who spoke on behalf of the Reynolds Scholars, Margo Fairchild, a 2013 Valley Proteins Fellow, and Justin Terry, the first recipient of the Steven Ridley Memorial Scholarship.
At the conclusion of the luncheon donors and recipients paired up for pictures to commemorate the day’s festivities. For more information about available scholarships, how to apply and important deadlines, visit www.reynolds.edu/scholarship.