Sponsored by the Multicultural Enrichment Council, JSRCC's
"Around the World through Movies" recently presented The World’s
Fastest Indian. Attendees included JSRCC students, staff, faculty and guests
from the Richmond community.
The World's Fastest Indian is a 2005 New Zealand
biographical film based on the Invercargill, New Zealand speed bike racer Burt
Munro and his highly modified Indian Scout motorcycle. Munro set numerous land
speed records for motorcycles at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah in the late
1950s and into the 1960s. The film stars Anthony Hopkins and was written and
directed by Roger Donaldson. The film opened in December 2005 to positive
reviews, and quickly became the highest grossing local film at the New Zealand
Dr. Bryan Rhodes, Assistant Professor of Biology led pre and
post movie discussions that highlighted New Zealand’s history, and geographical
structure. He also shed more light on the fascinating story of Burt Munro, the lead
character in the movie.
Ms. Betsy Edwards, Admissions Specialist from School of
Nursing and Allied Health, shared a beautiful poem she had written called “The
Indian Dream” which was in line with the inspiring story of the movie.
The audience enjoyed variety of refreshments during the show. The movie
was followed by a post discussion and trivia questions where many students and
staff won prizes including many items donated by JSRCC Book Stores and Office
of Marketing.